We all know life has a funny way of throwing ridiculous curve balls. In the last several months, I've been thrown a few. And as much as I'd like to say I've been knocking them out of the park like a pro, that's probably not exactly accurate.
But I think I've managed to hold my own. And I owe God, a lot of incredible people in my life, and a super cute wiener dog for that.
So about a week ago, Ernie (the super cute wiener dog) and I made the big move to the big city. And while Salt Lake is just a cute neighborhood compared to a city like New York, to us rednecks from the northern country, Salt Lake might as well be the Big Apple.
Allow me to elaborate.
Parallel parking has always given me anxiety. Parking in general kind of gives me anxiety. And the only traffic I've experienced in the last few years is getting stuck behind farm equipment. Or cattle. Or ride-on lawn mowers. Yep, Ernie and I are a couple of rednecks navigating a brand new, downtown kind of life.
In the first week of living here we managed to start a small fire, catch four mice, and get a flat tire. It was eventful to say the least. For the record though, the small fire was not actually caused by us. Apparently the previous tenant left a very generous pile of cleaning solution in the oven that was just waiting to burst into flames. At least that was the verdict that the six firefighters gave us after showing up in their fire engine on our cramped one-way street. Yes, six. And with sirens and all people. And no, they do not charge you for having them come over. Everyone keeps asking me that, so now you know.
Anyway, I think "new girl in town" must be written all over my face. Mostly because I get lost every single time I get in my car. And some people even think I talk "funny." (I blame Kentucky for that)
It's true, we are obviously not in our natural habitat. However, we are adapting. And we are enjoying that process.
Seriously, in spite of our first week of insanity (did I mention it was also my first week at a new job?!) I laughed SO much. You have to laugh at yourself. Fires, rodents, and all. Oh, and for the record, I killed a few spiders too. We are probably going to open our own exterminator business. Ernie can be the logo.
Week one in SLC looked like a load of mishaps. But really what a load of brand new adventures!
If you would've told me a few months ago that I would be moving from Rexburg, Idaho to downtown Salt Lake City at the start of the new year I would've thought you were crazy. Okay, probably not that crazy because Salt Lake is only three and a half hours away from cute, little Rexburg.
But I still would've thought you were a little crazy. Because my life plans were nothing of the sort!
But apparently, sometimes your plans are supposed to change. Sometimes you need a clean start. Sometimes you find the courage to do something a lot of people are going to judge you for. But you have to do it because it's one million percent the right thing to do.
And sometimes the result of that courage is moving in with your wonderful parents, re-grouping your whole life, and then packing up everything in your Hyundai Elantra so you can drive to Utah with a weenie dog on your lap, crying the whole way down because you said goodbye to some of your favorite people on planet earth.
Gotta love those curve balls, huh? :)
Happy 2015, y'all. Here's to fresh starts and unimaginable adventures. Here's to parallel parking, jobs that don't pay you nearly enough, and having people in your life who you adore and who adore you right back, whether they live in the same zip code as you or not.
Not to mention a weenie dog who adores you more than any roommate ever could.
Bring it Salt Lake. We are ready for ya.